How Businesses Can Help Combat Climate Change


Consumers are working hard to reduce their carbon footprints and lead a more sustainable life. As such, there has been a shift in how they select the companies they want to do business with, with a third of people now saying that they gravitate towards more sustainable brands, according to a report by Unilever.

Companies that refuse to adapt to the changing demands of the planet and its people are likely to get left behind. That doesn’t mean to say that any one business is expected to change the world.

Rather, business leaders must begin to recognize that we all have a part to play in preventing climate catastrophe and do something about it.

Why Sustainability is Important For Businesses

How Businesses Can Help Combat Climate Change

As concern about climate change continues to mount, companies of all types would do well to capitalize on the current momentum.

For one thing, it’s the right thing to do. While personal approaches to sustainability are important, there is an increasing awareness of the overwhelming part corporations have to play in emitting greenhouse gases. As such, it’s important that your company attempts to lead the way towards a greener future.

Another reason is that being more sustainable is a necessity if you want to adapt to the changing consumer landscape. And, ultimately, by being adaptable, you can keep your company profitable moving forwards.

The customers of today have very different priorities to those they had even 10 years ago. If you want to stay relevant and avoid getting left behind, you have to adjust your way of doing things.

Perhaps you could look into switching to more eco-friendly packaging or pledge to become carbon neutral. It doesn’t matter how you decide to do it.

The important thing is that you prove to consumers that you’re serious about tackling climate change alongside them.

How Businesses Can Be More Sustainable

If you decide to lead the push towards tackling climate change in your industry, there is clearly a great deal you stand to gain. By choosing to play your part, you will earn customer loyalty as a result.

As such, sustainability for the planet is likely to translate into sustainability for your company. In other words, adopting greener initiatives in the workplace won’t just help ensure the longevity of the planet, but the longevity of your business, too.

If you want to give your company and the world it operates in a fighting chance, there are a few things you can do.

1# Reduce Energy Consumption

Australia relies heavily on coal for its energy consumption, with this fossil fuel accounting for about 75% of the country’s electricity generation.

But, coal is the single biggest polluter on this planet and contributes heavily to climate change.

Show you’re serious about mitigating the harm your company causes by reducing its energy consumption and, in turn, its carbon footprint.

2# Invest in Electric Cars

Another way to reduce the carbon footprint of your business is to invest in electric cars. Unlike internal combustion engine cars, these vehicles don’t pollute as they drive, so they’d make for far more eco-friendly delivery fleets. Or, you could support any employees or customers who drive one, by installing charging stations in car parks.

The best on the market right now are Teslas, but other options are available if you don’t have that much to invest.

3# Work With Your Employees

Your employees will likely care about climate change themselves and will have their own ideas about how to tackle it. Talk to your workers and ask them for their insights.

There could be a more eco-friendly way of doing things in one department that you never would have thought of without their contributions.

4# Be More Transparent

Transparency is key to any good sustainability initiative, and for a couple of significant reasons.

One is that consumers are far more likely to look into your track record on environmentalism these days.

Another is that, by being open about the ways in which you choose to tackle climate change, you have the opportunity to become a trailblazer in your field.

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Author: Luke Fitzpatrick