8 Actionable Tips For Launching Your Startup Successfully


There is nothing more nerve wracking than starting your own business, but it can also be the most rewarding thing – if done correctly! More and more people are beginning to see the value of starting their own enterprise.

In fact, a recent study shows that there were 726,000 new businesses created in the UK in 2020 compared to just over 636,000 in 2019. If you’re joining the thousands of people who want to make a name for themselves, there are some things you need to do to be successful.

Here are our top tips… Good luck!

8 Tips For Launching Your Startup

Actionable Tips For Launching Your Startup Successfully

1) Know your audience inside and out

Do you know everything there is to know about your audience? These are the people who will spend their hard-earned cash with you, and keep your business afloat. The latest stats suggest that almost 1 in 5 new businesses fail in the UK each year, so, you must ensure you know your target audience inside and out.

2) Know the competition that surrounds you

For similar reasons outlined in the aforementioned point, it’s fundamental your carry out thorough competitor research. How many businesses are doing what you do?

Are they successful? What are they doing right, and what are they doing wrong? The answers to these questions will help you make informed decisions where your own business is concerned.

3) Perfect your business plan

Your business plan is your roadmap and it can make or break your enterprise. Your plan should include both long-term and short-term goals, estimates, and forecasts, and don’t worry if you find you have to change it in some places… it’s supposed to evolve as you do.

4) Ask for help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Starting your own business is extremely challenging and your success relies on so many different factors.

Surround yourself with people who have ‘been there and done that’, and request their help in areas you’re struggling with.

5) Invest in the best technology

To be the best, you have to own the best, especially when it comes to technology. If you plan to rapidly grow your business, you might find that different comms channels can negatively impact your processes. Unified communications can prevent this draining your company’s time and budget at its most crucial time.

6) Find the right office space

It’s never too early to start searching for an office space, even if you intend to launch your business from your spare bedroom.

Think carefully about the location you want to work from, and how big the space will need to be for your future team.

7) Regularly ask for feedback

When starting your own business, it’s really important you have an open mind and regularly ask for feedback to help you improve.

Not only should you be asking customers and fellow businesspeople, but also friends and family who can offer a fresh perspective.

8) Create a marketing strategy

Your business is nothing without a solid marketing strategy. How are people supposed to spend their money on your services or products if they don’t know you exist? We recommend outsourcing this to professionals to maximize success.

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Author: Edwin Owusu Peprah